Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Full Professor of Mathematics


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Tenure-track Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Full Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Faculty of Science
University of Copenhagen

The Department of Mathematical Sciences invites applications for a position as Full Professor, Associate Professor or Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Mathematics. The application deadline is 1st of October 2023, and the starting date is 1 April 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter, subject to negotiation.

We are in particular looking for candidates who can strengthen our activities within algebra and geometry, for example with expertise within algebraic, arithmetic, discrete or differential geometry, but all applications are welcome.

The position may be applied for at the tenure-track assistant professor level, the associate professor level or the full professor level. Please note that it is possible to apply at more than one level. If you apply at more than one level, separate applications must be submitted (see below).

Tenure-track assistant professor
Applicants for a tenure-track assistant professorship must have an academic standing showing internationally competitive research and have an internationally recognized potential for outstanding research achievements.

The tenure-track assistant professor’s duties will primarily involve research, including publication and scientific communication, and research-based teaching with associated examination obligations within mathematics. To a limited extent the position may also include other duties.

Assessment of applicants for the tenure-track assistant professorship will primarily consider their level of documented, original internationally competitive research. The ability to attract external funding and outreach qualifications will be considered too. Documented teaching qualifications are not mandatory, but documented teaching qualifications and teaching experience will be considered.

Associate professor and full professor
Applicants for an associate professorship or a full professorship are expected to have an internationally highly recognized record of outstanding achievement in research with ground-breaking contributions to the applicant's area of specialization and to have strong documented university level teaching credentials. They must be able to explain and reflect upon their own teaching practice and portfolio. Pedagogical training or supervision equivalent to the University of Copenhagen teacher training programme for assistant professors is necessary. Candidates are also expected to have managerial qualifications, for instance in managing their own research group, and outreach experience.

Duties include furthering the applicant’s own research, development of the scientific field, research assessment tasks, grant applications, and research management including research supervision. The successful applicant must also teach, supervise, prepare and participate in examinations within mathematics, and fulfill other tasks requested by the Department.

Assessment of applicants for an associate professorship and a full professorship will primarily consider their level of documented, original scientific production at an international level, including contributions to developments in their field, as well as their documented teaching qualifications. The ability to attract external funding will also be considered as will managerial and outreach qualifications.

University of Copenhagen’s criteria for recognising merit
Six overall criteria apply for assistant professor / associate professor / full professor appointments at the University of Copenhagen. The six criteria (research, teaching, societal impact, organizational contribution, external funding and leadership) are considered a framework for an overall assessment of the candidates. Furthermore, each candidate must be assessed according to the specific requirements stated in the job advertisement.

Criteria for Tenure Track Assistant professors: https://www.math.ku.dk/english/research-files/forms/MATH_Criteria_for_recognising_merit_Assistant_professors.pdf

Criteria for Associate professors: https://www.math.ku.dk/english/research-files/forms/MATH_Criteria_for_recognising_merit_Associate_professors.pdf

Criteria for full professors: https://www.math.ku.dk/english/research-files/forms/MATH_Criteria_for_recognising_merit_professors.pdf .

The tenure-track assistant professor programme
The tenure-track programme is a career programme and an assigned mentor will provide the tenure-track assistant professors with guidance related to career development, other academic topics and administrative procedures.

The performance of the tenure-track assistant professor will be followed via internal yearly evaluations and a mid-term and final international evaluation by an assessment committee. If the ‘final appraisal’ is positive you will be promoted as associate professor. Performance and progression towards the criteria below will be evaluated with due consideration of differences between research fields.

After a 6-year tenure-track period tenure-track assistant professors are expected to meet the criteria for appointment of associate professors at the University of Copenhagen.

Terms of employment
The position is covered by the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff.

Terms of appointment and payment accord to the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Taxation and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State.

Negotiation for an individual salary supplement is possible.

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

The Department
The Department is a leading mathematics institution with a vibrant and friendly international research environment that spans several areas of pure and applied mathematics. The department teaches a large portfolio of undergraduate and graduate courses both for students in the mathematical sciences and for students of other subjects at the Faculty of Science. Good opportunities to apply for research funding are available in Denmark. For information about the Department of Mathematical Sciences, please visit our website https://www.math.ku.dk/english/, for information about the Algebra and Geometry Section, see https://www.math.ku.dk/english/research/ag/.

Inquiries about the position can be made to the Head of Department, Professor Mogens Steffensen, mogens@math.ku.dk.

Copenhagen is among the most livable cities in the world with a rich culture within music, theater and associations (https://www.visitcopenhagen.com). Life for families is made easy by a publicly supported daycare and health care system, maternity/parental leave and six weeks of annual vacation. International candidates may find information on living and working in Denmark https://www.workindenmark.dk. Useful information is also available at The International Staff Mobility office at the University of Copenhagen (https://ism.ku.dk) that offers a variety of services to international researchers coming to and working at the University of Copenhagen.

Filing of application
The application including all attachments must be in English and submitted electronically by clicking APPLY NOW below.

If you are applying for the tenure-track assistant professorship, please include

  • Curriculum vitae including:
    • Please describe and document international network and relations
    • Please describe and document internationally based activities
    • Positions held at universities/research institutions outside Denmark
    • Outreach activities, i.e. popular lectures or other activities in the media
    • Grants held, personal or in part. Career development grants.
  • Diplomas (Master’s and PhD degree or equivalent)
  • Research plan - description of current and future research plans
  • If available, description and documentation of teaching and supervision experience and qualifications- please describe and document:
    • Experience with supervision of BSc and MSc students
    • Teaching experience
    • Formal pedagogical training
  • Complete publication list
  • Separate reprints of up to 5 particularly relevant papers
If you are applying for the associate professorship or full professorship, please include

  • Curriculum vitae including information about external funding
  • Diplomas (Master’s and PhD degree or equivalent)
  • Research plan – description of current and future research plans
  • Description and documentation of teaching experience and qualifications according to university guidelines
  • Complete publication list
  • Separate reprints of 5 particularly relevant papers
The deadline for applications is 1 October, 23:59 GMT +2.

After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Interview Committee. Note that being on the short-list is not equivalent to being assessed qualified for the position. Short-listed candidates may potentially be deemed “not qualified” by the Assessment Committee. A sub-set of the qualified short-listed candidates will be selected for a formal interview by the Interview Committee.

You can read about the recruitment process at http://employment.ku.dk/faculty/recruitment-process/.

Interviews will be held on 19 January 2024.

Please refer to the following no. in future communication in this case:

211-0179/23-2N Tenure-track assistant professorship of Mathematics
211-0530/23-2E Associate professorship of Mathematics
211-0246/23-2K Professorship of Mathematics


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KU - SCIENCE - NBI, H.C. Ørsted Instituttet, Universitetsparken 5, 2100 København Ø


Ansøgningsfrist: 20-08-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Ved skriftlig henvendelse: https://candidate.hr-manager.net/ApplicationInit.aspx?cid=1307&ProjectId=159723&DepartmentId=18971&MediaId=4632&SkipAdvertisement=true

Se mere her: https://job.jobnet.dk/CV/FindWork/Details/5877018

Denne artikel er skrevet af Emilie Bjergegaard og data er automatisk hentet fra eksterne kilder, herunder JobNet.
Kilde: JobNet