Vacant PhD scholarship at the Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen


BEMÆRK: Ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

Open PhD position in sustainability reporting at Centre for Market and Economic Law at the Law Faculty.

The PhD scholarship is fully funded and salaried. PhD positions can commence in January 2024 or as soon as possible hereafter. The start date is negotiable. The anticipated end date is 31 December 2026.

The Centre for Market and Economic Law at the Law Faculty at University of Copenhagen now offers a position for an ambitious and committed PhD researcher with interest in business law and sustainability. The candidate will be part of a larger research project, the NASDAQ SUSTAINABILITY LAW RESEARCH, a research project led by associate Professor Lone Wandahl Mouyal and financed by the NASDAQ Nordic Foundation.

The NASDAQ SUSTAINABILITY LAW RESEARCH aims at identifying legal gaps and solutions to the implementation of EU sustainability requirements. Denmark and Danish listed companies are used as a case study for the research. Research results are expected to be relevant to Danish companies and law-makers, but it will also have broader implications for other countries in the Nordics and within EU.

The NASDAQ SUSTAINABILITY LAW RESEARCH runs in 3 parallel tracks:

1) The corporate sustainability due diligence track.

2) The corporate sustainability reporting track.

3) The corporate sustainability accountability track.

The preferred candidate will be able to deliver high-level research and a PhD dissertation, which feeds into the 2nd track, i.e. the corporate sustainability reporting track. The focus of this track will be on the implementation of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).

The PhD Programme
The PhD will be part of the wider PhD Programme offered by the Faculty of Law. The goal of the PhD Programme is threefold: (1) to prepare candidates for a continuing career in teaching and research; (2) to educate a new generation of scholars to produce high-quality independent research; and (3) to equip them with the analytical and problem-solving skills required for a successful career in both the public and private sectors.

The Faculty of Law offers supervision by highly qualified academics and provides an excellent opportunity to research contemporary legal issues in an intellectually stimulating environment.

Successful PhD candidates are required to:

  • Conduct independent and high-quality legal research under the supervision of a senior member of academic staff at the Faculty.
  • Identify legal challenges based on the performance of a legal doctrinal analysis.
  • Actively engage in the research environment at the University of Copenhagen;
  • Participate in international conferences, courses and meetings relevant to their research project;
  • Comply with the formal requirements of the PhD programme;
  • Contribute to teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses in Danish or English offered by the Faculty of Law.

  • Applicants must have obtained a degree that corresponds to the Danish Master of Laws degree which is a second cycle 120 ECTS degree (two years of full-time studies), that builds on a 180 ECTS bachelor’s degree (three years of full-time studies) or equivalent qualifications. Applicants with a non-Danish Master's degree will have their degree assessed by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science in order to establish, if the Master's degree is equivalent to a Danish Master's degree.
  • Applicants must have obtained a minimum overall grade average of 8.2 or above at the Master’s level in accordance with the Danish grading scale (for Danish scale, see ).
  • Applicants may submit their application before they have completed their Master’s Degree. The Master’s degree must be obtained before the start date.
  • Applicants must document an aptitude for research through the meritorious assessment of their final thesis, publications or academic recommendations in order to show that they are capable of undertaking the demanding task of writing a PhD thesis.
  • Applicants must have excellent language skills in English and have excellent communications skills. Applicants must be able to teach at an academic level in Danish or English and to follow PhD courses in English.
  • Candidates must have general knowledge of EU law.
  • Practical experience with non-financial reporting for example from accounting or corporate experience with sustainability reporting, CSR-reporting, UN Global Compact etc. is an advantage.
Application procedure
Click ’Apply now’ below to be taken to the online application form.

We advise you to have the following documents ready before you begin your online application:

  • Research project proposal: This should include the following: (1) objective(s) of the research, (2) major research questions, (3) review of relevant literature, (4) methodology to be applied in the research, and (5) a timetable that plans for all course requirements to have been met within three years. The project description must elaborate on the value of the proposed research project in terms of its relevance to existing and future research in the field. It is recommended that the project proposal does not exceed 6 A4 pages (excluding bibliography). The document must be in Times New Roman, font size 12, spacing 1.5 with all margins (right, left, top and bottom) set to 2 cm
  • Curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages).
  • Diplomas and transcripts: Certified copies of original diploma(s) and transcripts (both Bachelor’s and Master’s degree) in the original language and an authorized English translation if they are issued in other language than English or Danish.
  • Grading scale: A certified explanation of grading scale in the original language and an authorized English translation if it is available in another language than English or Danish.
  • Letter of motivation: Explain the choice of the Faculty of Law at the University of Copenhagen as a host institution for the proposed project and outline how the project fits within the research priorities at the Faculty (maximum 1 page).
  • Documentation of English level: Documentation of English level can for instance be documented by an excellent IELTS or TOEFL test.
Submit your application electronically in English.

University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the surrounding society and therefore encourages all interested parties regardless of personal background to apply for the position.

Recruitment process
Following the application deadline, the Associate Dean of Research will pre-select PhD applications that will proceed to the assessment stage upon the recommendation of the Selection Committee. Applicants are pre-selected for further assessment in line with the Faculty’s recruitment needs as described in this job advertisement. This is carried out based on the overall assessment of the applicant’s educational qualifications, the quality of the submitted research proposal and its relevance to the Faculty’s research agenda, and other relevant qualifications (e.g. relevant professional experience, any previous academic publications etc.). All applicants are then notified by the HR Centre as to whether their application has proceeded to the assessment stage. The assessment is carried out by an expert assessment committee. Selected applicants will be notified of the composition of the assessment committee. When the committee has completed its assessment, each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the assessment. A number of qualified applicants will be invited for an interview.

Terms of employment
Successful candidates will be employed in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations and the Ministry of Finance concerning the salary of PhD students. If you are offered a PhD position, you will receive a regular monthly salary in accordance with Danish law and you will be entitled to an annual research budget. The Faculty does not provide accommodation. If you are offered the position a certificate of criminal record must be submitted.

Contact information
For questions regarding the research project, please contact Lone Wandahl Mouyal, email:

Information about the recruitment process is available from Mette Overgaard HR, e-mail:, please refer to ID number: 211-1521/23-2H #1

The closing date for applications is 4 September 2023, 23:59 CEST.

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Likewise incomplete applications (i.e. without all required documents) will be rejected.


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KU - JUR - Fakultetet, Co Søndre Campus, Karen Blixens Plads 16, 2300 København S


Ansøgningsfrist: 04-09-2023; - ansøgningsfristen er overskredet

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